Kestrel Nesting Boxes
American Kestrels, the smallest falcon in North America, is a frequent visitor to our Bay Area landscapes. But in a recent count, the coastal kestrel population has fallen by 69%!
What can you do?
Put Up a Kestrel Nesting Box!
A nesting box will provide a home for kestrel mating pairs and their young chicks.
Native Bird Connections has kestrel nesting boxes available for a $100 donation. Ours are built by local Boy Scouts as their Eagle Scout project. Or we can point you at plans and you can build your own. And we'll provide you will advice on how to situate your kestrel box to have the best chance of attracting a mating pair. They are cavity nesters generally having one brood a year. Insects comprise 80% of their diet with small birds and mammals making up the other 20%. Not only will you have the satisfaction of helping to preserve a fabulous raptor species, but you'll have fun too!
To make your $100 donation and get a Kestrel Nesting Box from NBC, email us at:
Assist Native Bird Connections and our partner, The American Kestrel Partnership, in conserving the American Kestrel by:
- Learning to recognize American Kestrels (kestrels are generally solitary, not flocking; tail bobbing and hovering are common behaviors; kestrels are usually loyal to a territory and have favorite perches within that territory, etc.)
- Spread the word about American Kestrels!
- Monitoring kestrel nesting boxes
- Donating to, sponsoring, or promoting The American Kestrel Partnership
- Registering your nesting box on the The American Kestrel Partnership website
- Send your kestrel sightings to us at:
Kestrel Campaign
Native Bird Connections was instrumental in the formation of the
Kestrel Campaign, an effort to create increased nesting opportunities for the American Kestrel, our smallest falcon. Kestrel population numbers are down by 69% for unknown reasons. The Kestrel Campaign is composed of volunteers dedicated to raising and monitoring kestrel boxes. Currently run by Brian Richardson of the Peregrine Team, the group has installed numerous boxes in the Mt Diablo region, with the goal of increasing habitat, contributing data to the Peregrine Fund , and providing community education about the plight of the American Kestrel.
Native Bird Connections is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
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