National Wildlife Federation - Represents and serves the professional community of scientists, managers, educators, technicians, planners, and others who work actively to study, manage and conserve wildlife and its habitats worldwide.
American Zoo and Aquarium Association -
Dedicated to the advancement of zoos and aquariums in the areas of conservation, education, science, and recreation.
Raptors Are The Solution (RATS) - educates the public about the dangers of rat and rodent poisons in the food web, especially the dangera to raptors and other wild birds.
International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council -
Wildlife education, training and support for wildlife rehabilitators, liaison with wildlife professionals, organizations and agencies.
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology - Dedicated to advancing the understanding and protection of the natural world, the Cornell Lab joins with people from all walks of life to make new scientific discoveries, share insights, and galvanize conservation action.
The Raptor Center, University of Minnesota - Specializes in the medical care, rehabilitation, and conservation of eagles, hawks, owls, and falcons along with public education programs, events, etc.
The Owl Pages - Everything to do with owls: descriptions of different species including photographs and sounds, mythology, art, books, collectibles, etc.
Ironside Bird Rescue - rescues and rehabilitates wild injured and orphaned birds; based in Cody, Wyoming.
Martinez Beavers - dedicated to the protection of urban beavers. Why beavers? Because they are an essential part of a healthy ecosystem.
Second Chance Wildlife Rehabilitation - dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of sick, orphaned and injured wildlife. Based in Palmer, Utah and the source of both our Swainson's Hawk and Northern Pygmy Owl.
All About Owls - based in Marin County, they offer programs to schools, nature camps, environmental organizations, HOA’s and any other group interested in learning about owls.
Toucan Rescue Ranch - located outside of San Jose, Costa Rica, their mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and release Costa Rican wildlife.
Teacher Resources
Audubon Education - Environmental educational program that can be implemented in the classroom or in after-school programs
Earth Team - An environmental network for teens,teachers and youth leaders
Citizen Science
Citizen Science is a way for the public to learn about birds, science, and conservation by participating in real scientific studies. As a partnership between the public and professional scientists, we make up one of the world's largest research teams.
eBird - an effort to collect, share, and study bird observations from around the world, now contains over half-a-billion sightings. iPhone and Android apps to log your sightings. Launched by Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon Society
American Kestrel Partnership - Unifying citizen and professional scientists to advance conservation of the American Kestrel.
All About Birds - Online guide to birds and bird watching. Use this site to identify birds, learn about life history, listen to sounds and so much more...
Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) - Annual four-day event, counting birds to create a real time snapshot of where the birds are across the continent.
Project Feederwatch - Winter-long survey of birds that visit feeders at backyards,nature centers, community areas and other locals in North America.
NestWatch - Nationwide nest-monitoring program of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology; designed to track status and trends in the reproductive biology of birds.
Celebrate Urban Birds - Helps communities nationwide Celebrate Urban Birds through gardening, bird watching, cultural activities, and citizen science. Supported by Cornell lab of Ornithology's Urban Bird Studies.
Golden Gate Raptor Observatory - Studies migrating birds of prey along the Pacific Coast and inspires the preservation of raptor populations in California.
Mt. Diablo Audubon Society - Local chapter of National Audubon; committed to the sustainable balance of our community's people, birds, other wildlife, and habitat through conservation, education, and advocacy.
Wild Birds Unlimited - a nationwide chain of retail stores that specializes in bird seed, bird feeders, and many other bird feeding supplies. Our local WBU is located at 2150 Contra Costa Blvd in Pleasant Hill.